
Sunday, August 5, 2012


     I am sure all of you studied history in school. But, have you ever wondered or had your teachers ever told you why Europe wasn't invaded by the Ottoman Empire? While the Brits were writing their fancy ENCICLOPEDIA and the French were inventing the perfume as solution to their "stinkyness" we were fighting the Ottomans. The land where Romania lays was always a point of interest for economic and political reasons. It is a "gateway" to Europe. And yes, while you were fighting for more power and more land, we were fighting to keep what was rightfully ours. Romania was the wall that kept the entire Europe from falling under the Turks. We were the little brother that everybody kept pushing around and making fun of. And now that it grew nobody likes it because it's dirty and uneducated. Is also has diseases such as corruption ans misconceptions.
   Giving him new clothes doesn't make him a better person. The changes must begin from inside out.   


      I come from a city where my high school colleagues are "working girls". By the time they turned 18, they already had 2 or 3 children. Now, 5 years later, all of them moved out - into the big EU.  If I were to go back to my childhood town now, other generations of "working girls" will be waiting to turn 18, so that they can leave this country.
    Romania is not a country of the poor, the thieves, the gypsies and the clans! We have them, of course, as any country has them. The unfortunate fact is that we have more of them than other countries and that they emigrate. If you would dare to come to Romania, to it's countrysides, you will find a little piece of heaven, where uneducated peasant will be happy to give you a place to sleep overnight and a hot supper.
   The small amount of people that choose to stay are trying to make a better country for the upcoming generations. I am one of the people that chose to stay. I am aware that, in order to make a difference, the solution is not to run away.
   Why this blog? It is for you - you European Union - I am giving you the chance to find out how a Romanian is, actually. I am giving you an unique perspective inside the mentality of a "third world country". I will share you my secrets, my fears and my hopes. Because like me are hundred of thousand of people. But they are too scared, too afraid or too poor to fight a whole world that labeled us as thieves, gypsies or prostitutes!